Some useful documents for CDM
We hope you find the proforma documents available from this page useful.
They are not meant to be definitive documents and the content of each will have to be adapted for project specific use however, they are intended to be a starting point guide for designers undertaking the Principal Designer role on small to medium sized projects. JRACDM would be delighted to assist you in setting up your own practice CDM management systems. Please call to discuss how we can help you. |
HSE Guidance L153 - Managing health and safety in construction
Legal guidance on the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 from the Health and Safety Executive
Pre-Construction Information checklistA checklist of PCI questions to ask the Client at the beginning of the project
Design Risk Management checklist
A useful checklist for designers to use at each RIBA Plan of Work Stage
Designers' Risk Register
Typical risk register for use by designers to record significant risks when undertaking Design Risk Management
HSE's Busy Builder Construction Phase Plan Template
Sample Construction Phase Plan template for use by domestic and small contractors
Pre-Construction Information templateTemplate of headings for arranging PCI prior to issuing to tendering contractors
Construction Phase Plan checklist
Checklist of typical items to expect in the Construction Phase Plan
CDM Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016
Download the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016
Provision of welfare facilities on site
HSE guidance on provision of welfare facilities on construction sites
Principal Contractor capability checklistA checklist of questions to ask tendering contractors prior to selection
Health & Safety File checklist
Checklist of typical items to include in the Health and Safety File
Principal Designer: Guidance on Temporary Works Download a copy of the Temporary Works forum's Information Sheet No.3 on the role of the PD in relation to Temporary Works